There are many reasons a child may need the support of a counselor. Sometimes children can’t regulate themselves or have a low tolerance for frustration. They often misbehave, becoming disrespectful or aggressive. Some children are unusually sullen or withdrawn and may say alarming things. Others have difficulty staying focused or performing well in school. Counseling is a way to break through these behaviors and connect to what’s underneath their troubling behavior.

When working with children, parents and caregivers participation is often necessary. Children need encouragement and support at home to effectively master skills learned in counseling. Children and parents working together in counseling creates stronger bonds and attachment.

At Healthy Connections Counseling Center, we use a variety of techniques both in person and via telehealth when working with children. Through the use of sand tray, play, art, and music children can improve communication, stimulate development, build self-esteem, and develop social and emotional intelligence.

We also offer psychological testing and evaluations for learning disorders and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), developmental and sensory concerns, such as Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD).